DATA DIRECTORY                      Text

            This directory contains ascii text files of the spatial data that can be imported
              into a variety of Geographic Information Systems. 
             The *.gen files contain topological data created with the Arc/Info ungenerate
             The *.csv files contain attribute data in comma delimited format, 
             created with the Arc/Info Tables unload command.

geo8.gen                 Geologic age and geologic contacts of South Asia in Albers 
                                 Conical Equal Area projection (topology)
geo8.csv                  Geologic age and geologic contacts of South Asia in Albers 
                                 Conical Equal Area projection (attributes)
geo8_g.gen             Geologic age and geologic contacts of South Asia in unprojected
                                  Geographic coordinates (topology)
geo8_g.csv             Geologic age and geologic contacts of South Asia in unprojected
                                  Geographic coordinates (attributes)
pol8.gen                  Political boundaries of South Asia (from ESRI's Arcworld) in
                                  Albers Conical Equal Area projection (topology)
pol8.csv                  Political boundaries of South Asia (from ESRI's Arcworld) in
                                  Albers Conical Equal Area projection (attributes)
provwrld.gen          U.S.G.S. defined geologic provinces of the world, in Albers
                                 Conical Equal Area projection (topology)
provwrld.csv           U.S.G.S. defined geologic provinces of the world, in Albers
                                 Conical Equal Area projection (attributes)
prvwrld_g.gen        U.S.G.S. defined geologic provinces of the world, in unprojected
                                  Geographic coordinates (topology)
prvwrld_g.csv         U.S.G.S. defined geologic provinces of the world, in unprojected
                                  Geographic coordinates (attributes)

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